Fire emblem fates lunatic chapter 5
Fire emblem fates lunatic chapter 5

No durability on weapons, and the corresponding re-balance in weapon identity that followed.

fire emblem fates lunatic chapter 5

Many of the environments created a unique type of pressure that forced interesting tactics with even a strong army composition. Really interesting level design, such that even the normal campaign was a fresh and interesting challenge for an experienced player like me. What struck me was they dealt with basically every gripe I had with Awakening when as far as I knew my complaints weren't common. I just finished the Conquest Campaign on Normal and I'm so happy that I'm definitely playing the harder difficulties and probably shelling out for the other routes, even if they may be easier. Corrin is not nearly as strong as Robin was, but still up their with the strongest of my team. Silas really fell of for me as the game went on, but still a good unit. All of the royal family is really strong, as are Niles, Selena and Benny. Camilla is basically Goddess-Queen of the game and things would be extremely difficult without her. All my other units are basically useless from lack of leveling. My team right now is "Corrin" x Niles, Camilla x Arthur, Selena x Silas, Felicia x Leo, Xander x Charlotte, and Benny x Effie. Then again, the story won't even be finished until Revelations is released, I guess. It's not bad, I'm really enjoying it, it's just underdeveloped when compared to awakening. The story is fun but leaves a bit to be desired in my opinion and I can't say I care about the characters as much as I did in Awakening. The chapters are much more diverse, dynamic, and interesting than in previous games. The gameplay overall, despite how frustrating it is because I'm playing on hard and I may suck a little bit, is phenomenal in my opinion.

fire emblem fates lunatic chapter 5

From everything I've heard, the Hoshido route is significantly easier. Hard is probably somewhere between Awakening Hard and Lunatic level of difficulty.

fire emblem fates lunatic chapter 5

I'm doing hard/classic, and this game is much harder than it's most recent predecessor Awakening ever was. I'm currently 18 chapters into the Nohr route. How do you feel about the gameplay/mechanics overall? Who are your favorite units, gameplay and story wise?

Fire emblem fates lunatic chapter 5